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happy birthday mom

Happy Birthday Mom! Birthday Ideas for Mom

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Happy Birthday Mom! It is that time of the year where you want to say Happy Birthday to the most special person in your life. The question is how can you say Happy Birthday Mom without having any money? The great news it that is is possible to wish your mom Happy Birthday without spending any money. Let’s look at some ideas

1: Birthday Card

happy birthday mom

If you can’t afford to buy your mom a happy birthday present, she will be just as happy if you make her a birthday card. All you need is a piece of paper and some coloring pencils. You can fold the paper in half and draw a lovely picture on the front. Then you can write a beautiful happy birthday message to mom on the inside of the card.

2:Breakfast in Bed

This is one of the best ways to say Happy Birthday Mom without spending any money. You can ask your dad to help you cook some scrambled eggs while you toast some bread and make a warm cup of coffee. You will have to wake up super early to make sure your mom is still asleep when you surprise her with breakfast in bed.

3:Make Mom a Pewawnt

There are many things that you can make to wish your mom a Happy Birthday. You can cut some paper into a heart shape and glue pieces of ribbon to the bottom. Otherwise, you can use some glue some sticks to paper and make a stick man family picture that she can put on the fridge.

4:Bake a Birthday Cake

Happy Birth Mom Birthday Cake

Nothing shouts “Happy Birthday Mom” more than a home-baked Birthday cake. Ask your dad to help you mix some eggs, sugar, self-raising flour, milk and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Put your mixture into a baking pan and let it bake it over. Careful it is going to be hot! Wait for it to cool down and use colorful icing sugar and sprinkles to decorate the Birthday Cake

5:Flower Bouquet

Little cute boy giving his mother tulips as a gift for Easter

Moms love flowers. Walk through your garden and pick some of the nicest flowers you can find. Hold them together and tie a ribbon around them to make a bouquet. This is one of the easiest presents to make FOR MOM.

6:Make Potpourri

Mom’s love things that smell nice. Take some rose petals and dry them in the over at a low temperature. Put them in a nice bowl and give them to your mom to put in the bathroom or any other room she want to make smell nice.

7:Make Bath Salts

Mom’s love to be pampered. Did you know that you can make bath salts at home that will make your mom feel extra special. All you need to do is mix some Epsom salts and sea salt with a few drops of essential oil. Put it in a jar and tie a string around the jar. Wrap your bath salts in some wrapping paper and give your mom a happy Birthday surprise that looks like it came from the shop. 

8: Coupons

Cut paper into small rectangles and staple them together. Write a favor that your mom can claim on each piece of paper. Some examples are: “Free hugs, Dishes for a day, Foot Rub, or Movie Night.” Your mom can choose to use a coupon at any time. You can also print the picture above to make better looking coupons.

9: Back Massage

One of the best ways to wish mom a Happy Birthday is to give your mom a lovely backrub to relax her muscles. This won’t cost you anything and your mom is bound to love it.

10: Do Chores for the Day

This might not be one of the most fun ways to say Happy Birthday to your mom but it is a present she will appreciate more than a fancy dress or new shoes. Do the dishes, clean your room, help with the laundry and sweep the floors on your mom’s Birthday to make her feel extra special.