Our news

  • Kids Event Entertainment- Exciting Entertainment Ideas

    Kids need to be entertained too. Especially if you are hosting a corporate event. Chances are that most of your employees have kids who are too young to be left at home alone. So, what do you do if their kids need to come along at your corporate event? A great idea is to hire…


  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU OR NOT- 5 Painfully Bad Birthdays

    Happy Birthday to you is not always the right thing to say on someone’s Birthday Bad Birthdays are more common that you might think. Birthdays are supposed to be a day of celebration. However, sometimes things don’t go according to plan and you end up having a bad Birthday. Don’t worry too much. This happens…


  • Best Adult Birthday Party Ideas

    Are you looking for adult Birthday party ideas that are exciting but not childish? If you are, you’re in luck. We have compiled a list of the best adult Birthday party ideas that will make your Birthday feel exciting and memorable. Let’s jump straight into it. 1 An Extrovert’s adult Birthday party An Extrovert’s adult…


  • Zodiac signs for Birthdays

    Zodiac Signs For Birthdays

    If you’re looking for zodiac signs for Birthdays, you’re probably wondering what zodiac sign your Birthday falls under. If you are, you’ve come to the right place. We are going to take a look at all of the different zodiac signs and the Birthdays they are associated with. We’ll also give you some information on…


  • Celebrity Birthdays in August

    Are you looking for celebrity birthdays today such as Beyonce Birthday or Taylor Swift Birthday? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled a list of the most famous celebrity Birthdays today in case you are wondering which celebrities have the same Birthday as you do. Max Carver- August 1 One…


  • birthday party invitations

    Funny Birthday Party Invitations for All Ages

    Are you considering the different Birthday Party Invitations that will make your party stand out from the crowd? There is no better way to leave your mark than to use funny and witty Birthday party invitations that will put a smile on everyone’s face. We have compiled a list of some of the funniest Birthday…


  • kidditivity

    Kids Party Ideas with Kidditivity

    Are you looking for great party ideas to give your kids a special Birthday. Kidditivity created a unique menu that contains games and other interesting ways to give your child a memorable Birthday celebration. Let’s take a look at some of these ideas. 1: Character Appearances To give your child an extra special birthday celebration,…


  • happy birthday mom

    Happy Birthday Mom! Birthday Ideas for Mom

    Happy Birthday Mom! It is that time of the year where you want to say Happy Birthday to the most special person in your life. The question is how can you say Happy Birthday Mom without having any money? The great news it that is is possible to wish your mom Happy Birthday without spending…


  • kids birthday party

    Kids Birthday Party Entertainment Ideas

    Are you looking for kids birthday party entertainment ideas? It is so important to keep your little ones entertained at their Birthday celebration. As great as decorations and party supplies might be, they won’t create the fun atmosphere you are looking for without some entertainment. Luckily this is what we specialise in at Kidditivity. So,…


  • party supplies

    Party Supplies Checklist

    Are you putting together a list of party supplies for your child’s party? If you are, our party supplies checklist is exactly what you need. From entertainment and decor to cakes and presents. Little things like party supplies can easily be forgotten. So, let’s look at a list of must-have party supplies for your next…